Audio Recording on iPhone: Quick Start Guide

how to record on iphone

This post has been adapted from a post that originally appeared on You can read the original post here.

One of the perceived barriers of entry to anyone looking to get started in voice work is getting the actual equipment that you need to get high quality audio that someone will actually pay for. However, as technology continues to advance, that barrier is getting lower and lower. Read on to learn more about how to record on iPhone, and how to get high quality audio while doing it.

However, I’m sure you know that you can’t just pull out your iPhone and begin recording high quality audio. There are a few tools and things that you’re going to need to get started.

iPhone Recording: An External Microphone

To get the highest quality audio from your iPhone, you’re going to need to utilize an external microphone. There are a few things you should look for as you shop around:
  • A 3.5mm jack
  • Battery Powered
  • Multi-purpose
When I first got started, this is the microphone I ordered and started using: Audio-Technica ATR-6550 Video Camera Condenser Shotgun Microphone.

It hits all of the points I made above. There are a few reasons that you want to make sure the microphone is multi-purpose, but they can boil down to this: with any upfront investment into a potential new field, you may discover that you don’t like this. Instead of being out that money, then you can keep using the equipment for other purposes.

With the shotgun mic I listed above, you can readily start getting higher quality audio for any video you may need to make. For actors who are looking to get into voice work, this is a great mic for you to get because you can then use it to enhance your audition videos as well as getting started in voice work.

You'll want to get a headphone/microphone splitter for your use with your microphone. Here's one that I would readily recommend: Headset adapter for headsets with separate headphone / microphone plugs - 3.5mm 4 position to 2x 3 position 3.5mm M/F 

The ability to hear yourself while you record makes it much easier to do work of a high quality right from the beginning.

Garage Band

For iPhone recording, there is no shortage of apps that claim to be the best at recording audio. For the money, I have yet to find an app that works as efficiently as Garage Band in recording quality audio. You have a lot of control over the recording itself, and you can export in many ways to upload the audio in whatever format you need it.

I would also recommend getting Audacity on your computer. Audacity is a high powered audio editing program that is available entirely free. It isn’t the most intuitive program, but once you learn how to use it, it is really great at cleaning up your audio. Audacity can help take lower quality equipment up to a new level that allows you to get your foot in the door without a massive upfront investment in equipment.


Getting high quality audio recordings on your iPhone does require a little extra equipment, but if you grab those items and head into a quiet room, you’ll have everything you need to get started with voice work or any other audio recording needs you may have. I always recommend ensuring that when you spend money to get started, that as often as possible, you make sure you can use that equipment for another purpose should you discover this new path isn’t for you.

For more information about building a sustainable side-hustle to support your creative life, check out my book: A Life in Art: Building Side-Hustles to Empower Your Life as an Artist.


A Life in Art: The Book

Want to learn more about building a side-hustle to support your Life in Art? Then check out the book, available on Amazon!

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